1. All entries must be published in English or French between January 1 and December 31 of the prize year.
  2. Deadline for submissions is November 30 of the prize year.
  3. A collection of essays by one author is eligible if the essays are on a single theme, and if the work in its entirety has not been reproduced elsewhere. A collection of essays by more than one author is not eligible.
  4. A work by two co-authors is acceptable, provided the whole work is integrated and coherent.
  5. Posthumously published works, pamphlets, monographs, reference books, conference papers and subsequent or revised editions of books are not eligible.
  6. Books published outside Canada are eligible provided that the author is a Canadian citizen and the book is published in English or French.
  7. Shortlisted authors are required to attend an awards ceremony the following May and, if winners, address the audience at that time.
  8. The rules for eligibility shall be interpreted and may be revised from time to time at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Donner Canadian Foundation.

The Submission Process

  1. All entries must be submitted by the publisher. No other entries will be accepted. Seven (7) copies of each title must be delivered to the Prize Manager by November 30, 2024. If an electronic version is available please email a copy in addition to sending printed versions, to the Prize Manager at donnerprize@naylorandassociates.com. For titles published between November 3 and December 31, 2024 the publisher may submit bound galleys or manuscripts.
  2. Each submission must include a publication or release date and a general overview of its contents.
  3. The earliest possible submission of books is recommended.
  4. Receipt of each candidate title will be acknowledged by the Prize Manager in a letter that will also set out the responsibilities of the publisher and the author should their title be shortlisted or chosen for the Prize.